Pepper & Simon

Pepper, not our first, not our second, but our third dog.
He is the first I will tell you about though.
On 24th of june 2019 he came to the Netherlands, the first eleven years of his life were spent on Lesbos . (Greece)
When the people of Gaga animalcare spotted him, he was living at a scrapyard.
Outside, under a roof, on a concrete floor..with an enormous tumor on his head.
The size of a small soccer ball, all scraped and bloody, in pain, the tumor even covered his left eye.
They took him, he had surgery, and the tumor - luckily - turned out te benign. His teeth were fixed and he was sterilized.
After a recovery period at the house of Gerbien, the Dutch woman who is the heart and soul of Gagaland, asked if someone would please foster him, because he was just too sensitive for life in the shelter.
When I saw him on the website (see pictures below) I fell for him instantly!
That look! That presence!!
At that point I had no knowing of his horrid past.
I immediately offered to foster him.
They warned me that this could be a longtime foster, because of his age, but that was fine, he was welcome to acclimate and find his bearings with us.
Heidi brought him to us, and we wanted him to meet Pippin and Minas - our other two dogs at the playing field next to our house.
But there was no playing, not even a meeting.
Pepper was completely shut down.
A poor, all tensed up sad little dog...
With a lot of patience we led him to the house, where he sat down in the kitchen visible intention of moving.
I só wanted him to be in his soft bed, but I was afraid to force him...I had no idea what he would do, get angry?
My husband gently lifted him up and put him in his welcoming bed.....and very slowly we saw the life return to his body.
The second day we got a phone call, there was a couple that wanted to meet Pepper, and I was utterly dismayed.
Now it was my turn to go numb and tense my head I heard this loud: NOOOOO! was going to foster him, right? This was the plan to begin with?
Well, plans change!
I teared up by the thought of having to let him go. (there might even have been some unexpected panic)
At the time, I was surprised by my reaction.
To make a short story short, he came to us on Monday, and by Thursday he was officially ours!
Much to our delight, Pippin and Minas were fond of him instantly.
As is every dog and human that meets him for that matter.
The poor thing obviously had had a hard life.
With every sudden move on our part, he cringed and recoiled. His muscles where all hard and tense.
He was scared of cats. In the streets cats are the competition when it comes to food...and he had obviously lost that battle a long time ago.
That's why I chose -and love- this picture.
Our Simon, endlessly caring loving Siem, gained his trust within a few weeks ...look at this sweet dog, his head resting on Siem.
One of my most favorite of favorites pictures..
Pepper started to relax more and more, he became more funny and happy with every passing day. And everyday he celebrates intensely all these people that are so willing to tickle and pet him.
A few weeks ago he actually played and fooled around with Minas...and it looks really funny, because he is not the most flexible of dogs anymore.
Last year he started the habit of rolling around on his back in the summer grass, which is hilarious with his stiff old legs in the air.
And on our walks he developed the habit to stay behind a little...and when I crouch down, he comes running at me, all jiggling and wagging his tail, as if he loves to feel: I´m with you! I belong with you!!!
And his bark is funny too...sort of 'ho ho', and its impossible to bark without jumping on his front legs.
Now, I am not at all surprised at my initial reaction to him.
Pepper is pure love, wrapped in a fur.
Every day I am amazed at how you can have had such a hard life, and be so infinitely sweet!
Yeah..he has some small issues, needs a bit more care at his age, but everyday he is here is a great day.
When I look at him lying in a pile of pillows...all surrendered and perfectly content, i'm só darn happy to have failed at fostering him.
He makes our lives so much richer.
Thank you - once again - to everyone that has helped him. Specially Gerbien, who foresaw perfectly that he belongs with us.
And oh yeah...of course he is a red dog....and his name is Pepper - but with me being this Red Hot Chili Pepper devotee you'd think I gave him this name right? Well, was his name already.
It was just meant to be.

The sweetest soul that ever lived has left the earth on 10-10-2021. My heart is broken. Thank you for gracing my life. Love.
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