'The sweetest escapism'

2020 might be the year of covid and crazy...for me it will always be the year I moved to Stars Hollow.
The wonderful loving, weird and oh so funny 'snowglobe' village where the Gilmore Girls live.
I started watching this now, because I needed some innocence to escape to, in a world in chaos, dualism and disunity.
And this turned out to be just what I needed.
The show just oozes love and friendship. Not just between mom Lorelei end daughter Rory, but literally everyone on the show. One of the ongoing threads is the tension between Lorelei and her parents Richard and, especially mom Emily, but even that tension comes forth from love and the frustrations that come with family love. Sharp, painful, frustrating but there is always love at the core of it.
And it is funny! I laughed out loud many times and still do. And if the same scene makes you laugh time and time again, you know it's done well. Written well, and delivered to perfection.
And sad...oh so sad, just because life can be sad.
Life sometimes looks like this long string of goodbye's, normal evolution, growth..gut wrenchingly normal life events.
The mom-aspects, the daughter-aspects...it made me cry again and again. I jokingly said I was going to watch the show until it didn't make me cry anymore..

When I watched the full 7 seasons, there was this 'sequel' they shot almost 10 years later, "A year in the life"...but I was scared to watch that. Probably because I did not want things to change....and certainly scared that I would not suit my feeling of the seven seasons.
So..I went straight back to the pilot. And loved it again, no, loved it even more!
The second time around you see the subtleties the actors put in their work, and you get to appreciate their craft deeply.
Their timing, the way they play off of eachother (the love!) the quick wit and the incredible pace in their lines.
My admiration for that last bit, the sheer speed in their talking grew and grew.
Later I found out that Lauren Graham who plays Lorelei - heck, IS Lorelei - wrote a book, "talking as fast as I can' ...have to get my hands on a copy of that book!
The third time I watched it, I knew I was going to live here for a long time, I did not want to exchange Stars Hollow for the real world really...I knew I was stuck in a GG-loop and loved it.
It took me 6 rounds to finally have the courage to watch "A year in the life" ...and I was so relieved!
Sure..I could be critical of a few aspects, but it did not bother me too much, because - again - it was made with the same sense of humor and love.
It was done right.
And I can wait for more.
There will just have to be more...AMY!!!!!!
I trust.
So...i'm in my 9th cycle now, not watching it every day anymore, but I will always be grateful to Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino and the whole cast and crew, for bringing light in my life. (in rather dark times)
The 10th cycle is a sure thing, I still haven't managed to get through watching it without crying.
I might never manage to watch it without crying...I might be a virtual citizen of Stars Hollow for ever.
And that's perfectly fine with me.
So..oy with the poodles already!
Have a great day.
With coffee coffee coffee!

Reactie plaatsen
Yes! Virtual Stars Hollow neighbor here.
I'm in round 2 and agree!
My Babette!! Hahaha <3