A photographer whose work I fell in love with.
Specifically the book "Inner World", with the extraordinary pictures of the - also by me beloved - 'Kambos' area on Chios.
The Greek island where I once spent a winter, in a time when there was no winter-tourism, where I spent a long summer living and working, and vacationed many times.
The island where I left part of my soul behind, and it lives there for ever, and I will hopefully visit sometime in the near future.
When I lived there and spent many hours behind the bar (at the bar, on the bar) my escape from the bustle (people) was driving around on my red moped, in this extremely beautiful area.
The partially faded glory of the outstretched citrus orchards, walled by the typical warm yellow red stones that just seem to hold on to scents of the past, is just absolutely breathtaking.
Time and time again I went out on my adventures, to climb over walls, wriggle myself through broken old fences, and sneak onto these properties.
Many orchards were completely neglected, overgrown and inhospitable, as were the houses.
I used to imagine how one could restore and renovate all of that.
Bring it back to its former exquisiteness.
And to just sit there , take in my surroundings, take in the incredible smells...and to think about the people who had lived there, imagine the lives they had lead .
To my absolute great joy, I discovered photographer Statis Vogiatzis shares this great love, and with his artist eye he eternalized, what I had loved so much.
Every photo shows so much history, so many life stories, the people..
And to my delight, this was published in a book.
It's the only book that I always keep within reach.
The book that always brings me back to an eventful time in my life.
The eventful history of the island itself.
An island, my island as a soulmate, with the Kambos at its heart.
Efxaristo Stratis Vogiatzis

''κόλπος της καρδιάς''
Two chambers in the heart of the world
Where blood enters and leaves
where deep despair gushed over
loves lushes heartbeat
over and over and

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