The one that mesmerizes me immensely these days (and nights) , every sound made every move every interaction..all of it, and all of them, they are just so damn captivating!
When I first saw it, I thought that maybe it was in their own rehearsal space, it's so intimate, so wonderfully close-up, and them facing each other creates a nice dynamic.
I imagined it to be them getting together for a - hey let's tape this - on a sunny L.A afternoon.
And since I don't particularly like my bubbles burst, I stuck with it for a long time. It was kinda like being there with them, no audience...just them and me - like a fairy on the wall - hanging out..maybe going for a surf...
The I did look it up, and I was not thát far off:
"Inspired by the intimacy and high fidelity of The Old Grey Whistle Test on the BBC, Nigel Godrich created his in-the-studio concert series From the Basement based on a simple premise: “It’s just about having friends and close associates you know and just creating a relaxed atmosphere conducive to making something cool,”
“Everybody sort of came to the party,” Godrich says, “and I really appreciate them putting their faith in us. Anthony (Kiedis) was great – it was really a nice day. A lot of laughter, a lot of great vibes, and I really hope that comes across. We ended up doing the whole record, so it was kind of a cool little project. I think it sheds light on (I’m With You) in a different way.”
A truly Melancholy Mechanic ..because...well..Josh.
Wonderful wonderful Josh Klinghoffer to whom we as fans will be indebted to for ever, for saving the band when John left.
Anthony more than once called him generous...and I loved that word. Generous, gifted and kind, seem to fit to a tee.
And just look at Josh in this video ..he makes me laugh out loud, because he just can't contain his musicality and his body and flexing expression is all over the place! (while the poor guy's foot was broken)
Every cell in him seems to vibrate the music, specially at the end of "Raindance Maggie"...but really throughout the whole show and every show I saw him play.
And his voice...otherworldly ethereal angelic sounds. He always sounds a bit intimidated. Not by being in this band, but by being on this planet I gather..
Watching this makes me wish they wouldn't had let him go, but asked him to stay on and just reinvent the whole band with him in it.
But then again, he might have said no to that..
Anyway...as said..I will always love him and be grateful for him and i'm happy to have seen him live a few times.
And Flea...the loving enthusiastic magician of the bass..if you weren't already in love with him, this video will make you.
This man is music in every fiber of his being..he loves music, he loves being a being that brings this forth and it shows...the way he just disappears into the music...the flow, suppleness, a true master.
And in between songs..he always seems to be a boy, with a bit of a giggle. He looks like the kid that gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but you will never ever get angry with, just because he is too darn disarming and sweet.
A sentiment that increased manifold after reading his book by the way..highly recommended as you can read here.
The past years my admiration for Chad has grown and grown. I always knew him to be this awesome guy that 'eats drums for breakfast' as John and Flea kidded when he came in for the audition. A real rock of a man. Big, strong and sweet as heck.
He is not just the bottom for the band, he is also the walls and the ceiling ..he is the spaceholder for the band. He makes the space for them all to excel.
But in this video it is so obvious that he is also sooo much fun! The way he is kidding around, in constant contact with everyone around him, telling everyone what to do, without ever having to tell them what to do.
An incredible musical - always spot on - drummer. Make sure you pay extra attention to him during 'Goodbye Hooray', breathtakingly awesome.
Anthony ....Anthony ..
'all the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word..and suddenly that name will never be the same'.
...get a grip Inge.
Can't help myself...I always loose grip..on everything when I hear him sing.
Can't stop, addicted to the shindig....and he is the shindig.
I love his lyrics, I love his voice, I adore his erratic moving about the stage. His bossiness that always seems to go hand in hand with a real shyness. His explosiveness hand in hand with introversion. Insecurity alongside this being the master of the universe.
And all of that always translates perfectly in his lyrics. Sometimes its a story, most of the time it's just an emotion wrapped in words. Almost never straight forward.
The intimacy of this setting shows all of the above perfectly...the man, the boy, the poet ...the storyteller.
His voice is my medicine. When he sings, I heal. When he sings, my cells realign.
To me he is more than a singer.
He is a magiker of vibration.
Fine tuned love.
My brother.
I thank my lucky stars to having been born to this planet at the same time this band is here.
Can't wait for the rest of the story.
Thank you for being Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Fairy To The World
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