That thought just fills me up with immeasurable delight and anticipation...there is new music on the way.
For a true fan (let alone a freak aficionado like me) this is entering a space of sanctity...the hallowedness of hearing it for the very first time.
I would sleep on the stairs of the factory where the print (print?) the album just to listen to it as soon as its out.
Of course they heard it, the people in the studio heard Rick Rubin in on it? I hope so....and sort of expect him to be there. After all ...he is their favorite 'midwife'.
For the rest of the world it is unconsummated for now. I dish that was never ever served before.
So...its by far my favorite thing in the world to look forward to.
The new album.
Their website is under construction! It is now the classic black and red angels asshole again..pardon...the star of infinity.

Somehow there is a lot of promise in that.
John is back.
They are in their truest formation again.
I feel that musically they are better then they have ever been.
So much, so much promise.
Anticipation is supersweet.
My heart will overflow.
New music is coming.
I remember the release of By the Way very clearly...I know where I sat when I listened, and I remember my kids (of then 3 and 5 years old) were in the room....I must have plunked them in front of the tv...which I hardly ever did so they must have been quiet in a sort of amazed confusion.
It was like eating a box of chocolate of the very best kind...but in sound...gloriously entering my soul and riveting every molecule in my body.
Higher ground.
For sure.
And now new fresh - never before put together notes and sounds and waves in this exact way - music is coming.
Drooling in anticipation.
I.A. m
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