This silly video just hit the universe and it is superexiting!!!!
I'm speculating that KHOT - exactly 30 years after the release of BSSM - may be the name of the new album....if so...what does it stand for?
Or maby its just a fictional tv station name..dunno...
Is it almost november???
Can't wait.....
Finally a couple of recent pictures of the four of them (in Kerrang) taken by Clara Balzary (daughter of Flea)
The first ones since they have reunited. (to my knowledge)

left bottem corner: see that little red line on Anthony's ribcage? That's a tattoo of a small pyramide by Henk Schiffmacher, that he got in Egypt on the 15th of march 2019, when they played their live show at Giza.
So much fun to read comments all over the web about the 'coming out' of the band.
There's a lot of nutters like me!

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