The Yearning, Flea (and Anthony, John, Chad) & Rick

Gepubliceerd op 15 april 2022 om 18:04

Rick:"wanne talk about the new album?"
Flea: "Yeah...I don't know what to say..."
Well that is a great start for a hour long conversation.

But being the 'in-touch' man he is, he starts talking rather unstoppable and it is such a delight to hear Flea speak. 
His meandering storytelling - humble and precise, even when the words tumble in, all at once.
He knows how to put words to feelings in such an intimate way. 
I belong to his/their cerebral tribe, fo sho!

And the hugely affectionate manner in which he speaks of his mates, says everything about him. 
The love that is unlimited. 
That love, is Flea. 


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