So it is on...the Unlimited Love World Tour.
Of course there was the Fonda and New Orleans, but somehow this feels like its 'fo reals'..the gloves off, 'bare your soul -give it your all' start of the magical mayhem of my basterds of pure light.
.......it is ON!
And it's been a long time since you made this new band indeed, from black summer into golden spring, Sevilla.
But here you are and there you go...you are on!
It was titillating to know that it was happening - what a fucking great time to be on the planet - even if I was not actually there, I was sorta there, and so were thousands upon thousands of fans around the world.
Is that not amazing?
Cosmic connection!!

And this moment, this beautiful moment is exactly what this band is all about.
Honest love and profound friendship.
These guys have been friends since forever; 45 years of being brothers, friends, antagonists...held together by the brilliantly balanced Chad and then - this larger than life - John, sort of melted into them...and then it was all just...perfectly complete.
Unlimited love indeed
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