So...Alice (forever indebted) told me about this book signing of Henk Schiffmacher.
His book on the Borneo trip (and trip it was) with Anthony Kiedis....and...Kiedis was in Amsterdam hád to go.
(which is a risk, with my fickle energy levels, and THE concert the day after)
But...I hád to.
Actualising my one item bucketlist - Anthony Kiedis writing 'Fairy to the World' on my arm (legbiting is optional) has never been closer.
So...met Henk again, had my book signed...and in walked this beautiful man...Chad Smith.
Fell in love, right there and then....will never get over this.

Chad signing Henk's book (yeah well)

Henk pointing out my tattoos

Them checking my peppers...

and yeah..they are pretty brill!
By Clair Obscura, Groningen

And then he very attentively
read all the lyrics (so far)

Aaaaaand, strike a pose!

Was I sad not meeting Anthony?
Unquestionably so.
And no...because i'm sure that meeting Chad was way more gratifying, just because he is so warm and engaging.
(and darn sexy too)
I imagine Anthony to be way more aloof.
And an empty bucket leaves little to dream about right?
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