We wait
we wait
for the wave to - finally - break

an uncontrollable sehnsucht for shifting
unabated breath vails lifting
breaking free of breaking bad
leaving all that has been had
dunk your pain into your bliss
straighten your sidewinding hiss
"we got this"
"we got this"
My name is peace this is my hour
within love lies all the power
hankering down
Reactie plaatsen
i just wanna say..im currently in a fragile state of being i hope to evolve out of and..it can be pretty pathetic at times..but my only point is i appreciate everything you share..your not only a great inspiration..every single bit of love you giveeverything you share is sodeeply appreciated....i am so grateful for your existance..and for who and what you are..your not only a magical fairy..but so much more,,in every dimention..so all im really trying to say is thank you and i love you so much..9i dont have the same email link offered on computer as phone and my phone screens black..so i hope this sends..your a blessed creature..i wish only wellbeing and peace for you