This Too Shall Last

Gepubliceerd op 6 september 2023 om 13:34

You may think it is time to press 'fast forward' dear
pay no attention to the scenery here
in the now, surfing the past
no clue if this will pass or last

Press pauze and be right where you are
contemplate past and present from afar
I know time just whizzez by so fast
but baby
this present time shall last and last

hey we
why do we live in such a hurry
take some time to breathe not worry
and maybe
curb your longing for yesteryear
upwards and onwards
chin up no fear
'cause you may wind up
appriciate who you are now
and claim thee



Artwork by the magnificent John Lurie

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2 jaar geleden

Alles sal regkom. Ook wat onbuigzaam lijkt. T kost alleen zoveel van kostbare tijd.💜

Inge Astrid
2 jaar geleden

en het zal altijd NU zijn :)