I tried to contain but outgrew myself
geez what a mess I must confess
and eventhough I squeeze a bit
I try! I do!
I just won't fit
nimble ego (playing miss) shy
took her off the shelf in a drive by
soothed the awakening self
while in dancing deluge
spirit is spilling over
and over
(and over
and over)
gravity caught in a game of
tuggawar with the ethereal
and both are winning
expanding soul playing
whack a mole
doused dragon on a wire
can't help but breathe fire
flaming feisty fulmination
don't need your approval
don't mind the abhor
fuck all that
and let me Kali some more

Alongside being the Goddess of darkness, destruction, and death, Kali is also a symbol of Mother Nature because she is believed to be timeless and formless, representing the creation of life and the universe as well.
Reactie plaatsen
I love this picture!..it's part cartoon part beautiful part ugly..that how I feel..part colorful part hideous monster..unfit to be around humans .exept I actually care . and yet..idk.. probably a hopeless lost cause ..I look a lot like that picture..( but I hide..bc I look like that..a lot.. your poetry is genius..i see myself in a lot of it like I'm sure a lot of people do..I get excited every time I see you have given the world new words ❣️
Thank you <3