that wretched
'you + not good enough'
carefully chiseled in ya bole
effortlessly turns into
'I am not good enough'
polishing a hole in ya soul...
- damn that's col' -
...draft always gushing through the
hole fluting brash out of tune sounds
and you attempting to plug it with dust
bunnies hoppin' around in your head
until you decide
..nah uh...
not this rabbithole again!
- and the darkest hour is just before dawn -
that floaty moment
not quite able to move yet
but if you dream just loud enough
the dawn egg breaks
daylight flooding through the cracks
she-wolf ends her song at the moon
as she dances home
on dragon eggshells
and just like that
you become unclenched
to flip the
'I am not good enough'
right back to
'you're not good enough'
and returned to sender
in grace
With a hint of The Mamas and The Papas
''I've got a soul that cannot sleep At night when something just ain't right''
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
'Power Of Equality'
Reactie plaatsen
Heel gaaf, en sterk💪
dankjewel <3
I love this so much..it paints
such a beautiful vision ..I want to hold this all day instead of hopeless sadness..
Thank you...that makes me very happy :)