Encore once more
I wake up
move eat speak walk think
laugh curse eat walk feel
and for fuck's sake
(stradling the tightrope of lunacy
in always unravelling strive
because in the safety of normalcy
you will never feel fully alive
shoving your whole life in barrow
walkin' the rope that is freakishly narrow
makes it hard to breathe in comfort
tightassed striving onforth)
my hand bobbin on the wave goodbye
heart on the fly
my feet stuck in wet sand
while in the end
my spirit moves on
till I'm gone
''You've got to lose yourself
before you find yourself
Back in exile
You gotta believe
You gotta believe
You gotta believe
You gotta believe in a heartland''
'Heartland' - The Sound
Art: Frederico Castellon
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