Go on...have fun
just keep moving hun
until you stumble into
the light
(screw the fright)
undergo the embrace
of a full body hug
to thaw the raw bug
of frozen grown up gloom
(handed down heirloom)
Ring a ring o' roses
the dread that light exposes
it's on you it's on you
and we all fall through
I'm havin a dance-off
with my darkness
Reactie plaatsen
I love this but it's allso very sad
<3 thank you
It makes me feel like happiness is unfindable and everything efforts love everything is just trying try try but for nothing..but effort is just wasted allways no matter how hard you try for some people
That sounds sad indeed...x
maybe, with the light on us...we fall through the darkness...
Thank you so much ❣️when I think about it like that falling through the darkness,(rather than just ending,the dictionary version)
seems much more beautiful and feels a lot better then my previous interpretation ( which was tormenting me,bc I'm weird and I love these so much I let them get to me and into me,they get into my meditation and emotional state,
And also makes the first part seem really happy bc the fun and hug wich didn't make sense if everything in ti was going to end..
I perceive life as one big dance-off haha x