Hold On

Gepubliceerd op 28 januari 2022 om 16:23

Can I hold your handCan I share your burdenDo you want my shoulderTo carry your load

Can I borrow your strengthCan I rest my head stowedin your lap to unloadUntil I understand,will you please hold my hand


Reactie plaatsen


Ryolanda Woudstra
2 jaar geleden

Yes! Will you hold mine? Then, i am sure we will end up fineπŸ’œπŸŒ πŸŒ πŸ˜˜β€

Inge Astrid
2 jaar geleden

yes! Exactly <3

Synths pugmire
2 jaar geleden

Ah ha someone beat me to the handholding. .. looks like I’m not the only person who looks for comfort here. Wonder who in mind it was written for

Inge Astrid
2 jaar geleden

to comfort and be comforted is what we all want and need I suppose...
It was not for anyone in particular. So It might be about you my friend :)

2 jaar geleden

thank you!