For these ones that knew me well
Endless moods on the turntable
reminiscence, first kisses
The who are you and so who am I?
preambling the journey itself.
And then you just left
friendship as a fly by
The bottle-at-hand-nights
unimportant smiling fights
what is not and what might
till hesitant daylight
oh how we laughed and cried
and then you died
Nights on swings in random gardens
flying kites and without pardons
you inhaled me (and I you) and we knew
Styx and stoned a world of two
my face will always look round for you
and then you left the world, and me
some things aren't how they should be
ever again
How sharing and caring
just dissipates
and me suffocating as I try to breathe in
the memories.
I gasp
"I invite you to the party of my mind
An invitation to the party of my mind
Some talk, some cry, some go out for air
In the party of my mind we'll all be there
Everyone will be there
Everyone will be there"
Memories of love and honors
but fuck you leavers
fuck you goners
* Party of the Mind, The Sound
"The beguiling of Merlin"
By Sir Edward Burney-Jones
Morgan Le Fay, which literally translates ‘the morning fairy’, as one of the foremost recognized witches of all time
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