Its is finally done!
This tattoo had been on my mind for ages, at least...the first half of it...the second half presented itself later.
See, the very first computer I owned, must have been in 1999, and I wandered out on the worldwideweb, it goes without saying that the very first thing I did was go the the Red Hot Chili Peppers chatroom.
Nobody used their own name in the internet then, and Californication had just been released, and I imediatly fell for the name, and that is how I became Fairy to the World.
And it obviously stuck :)
When I got the asterix tattoo ( in 2012) I started picturing a tattoo of that name on my arm.
And then I thought...I want Anthony Kiedis to write it!
Because his handwriting is so beautiful..and well, it seemed tha fan-est wish to have.
So, my one-item bucketlist was a fact.
For years I tried Schiffmacher, managers, venues, sponsors ...to help me with my wish, no luck.
In 2022 the world was graced with Unlimited Love, and the song that I instantly fell in love with, was Bastards of Light.
It juist suited me perfectly, and my inner Fairy promptly decided to get hitched, and that how Bastard of Light became my 'married' name .
In 2021 I wrote this blog 'Privacy Invasion' when I first became fully aware of the misuse of pictures that were taken without people's consent.
I suddenly hit me that it felt like stealing.
Then in 2022, Flea said he didn't want to have his picture taken with fans anymore, because it made him sad, that taking a picture always broke the contact with the fans. It is not recegive.
A lot of fans were angry, claiming they had the right, or even duty to share themselves with the fans...and it felt so invasive to me.
What they share with us is their life, hearts, bodies and souls with us through their music.
They give so much...
And recently I saw a video of Anthony explaining to fans why he didn't want to sign an autograph, and he explains why he prefers to have a conversation..on an sharing bases....and the girl in front of him answers him by again asking, 'will you pllllease sign'..and it made me feel so sad for him.
And then it hit me hard....I was doing exactly the same as the girl, in asking him to give me something.
The moment that thought entered my mind, the bucketlist was out the door.
Instead I decided to piece it together myself, with a nice little twist of the letters coming from the setlists of the concerts that I was at lately. (Nijmegen, Pinkpop and London)
The resolve made me very happy.
Today was the day, and I am absolutely chuffed!
I.A.m Fairy to the World-Bastard of Light

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