The very first time I saw you, was at the local cultural centre and Herman Brood was playing.
I needed to go to the loo and passed this small pit-like space where the entrance to the theatre is, but its doors were closed for the night, and it formed a perfect little hideaway. Great spot for smoking weed. I saw my friends down there, so (after I peed) I went down there...and the world changed.
I saw you leaning against the doors, your legs stretched out in front of you, your hands folded and tucked between your thighs.
I was mesmerized by your appearance - your boyish otherworldly innocence -lightly rocking back and forth, singing a song - not the one blasted from the stage though - and all I knew was that I never wanted to take my eyes off of you.
I sat down opposite of you, stretching my legs next to yours, my hand touching your leg, stirring you out of your trance.
Our eyes locked (yours like a deer in headlights, mine by choice) and I am not sure we ever let go.
Never again did eyes - like yours - show me how perfect they perceived me to be.
Never was I loved so unconditionally.
The world turned out to hard for you to stay.
There's a disturbance over by the stairs
And her face looks round for me
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