Word Play

Gepubliceerd op 23 april 2024 om 20:19

Astringe master and servants
Nigh to the unfolding of love's cords
Taking flight into whatever light we bend
Heaving pulsation of sorts and then...
Otherworldly silver tune
Not unlike the moon
You shine

Keeping your soul alive
In there we live and thrive
Expanding realm and rhythm
Dissipating with him
Icarian heavy wings 
Steeped in sun


Acrostic shenanigans...
Red Hot Chili Peppers, thank you for having us fly with you <3

Reactie plaatsen


een jaar geleden

Beautiful.❤️❤️❤️As allways.💕❤️the icarian tho.. sounds tragic🥲

een jaar geleden

Maybe not tragic.. maybe beautiful like losing yourself but becoming part of something greater..or ego death..idk I ll be pondering this gem for a while..In all if its depth. love love love and appreciate everything you share so much ❤️💕💗❣️It's no wonder why artists are loved so much ❤️💕❣️

Inge Astrid
een jaar geleden

Thank you...grateful you care <3

Ryolanda Woudstra
10 maanden geleden

❤💥 prachtig. Maak n bundel!👌

Inge Astrid
10 maanden geleden

Haha...dank! <3