give it away give it away now give it away give it away now give it away now
give it away now

'Tony Kiedis you're a writer'
happened the pen to paper became the beginning of a lifeline that sparkles the shit out of existence and in
uninterrupted abdication with magical mighty manner, igniting and keeping everything together
your writing
silver lining

(once again)
Reactie plaatsen
of previous perspectives that wreak havock
Is where I want to put this on my mind..I don't have the actual intended meaning
I love everything you write..but I'm not sure I interpret a lot of it as intended..
my intentions are of no importance to whoever reads this...<3
Heel mooie tribute! , ik hoor meteen t nummer in mn hoofd ook he..voor de rest vd dag, ben ik bang. Zo afwassen , dan begint t. Dan stofzuigen....idem..hahaha!
Mij helpt het altijd wel als ik het nummer dan ga luisteren haha <3
Omg I'm sorry..I don't know why id question that..
I didn't mean to cross boundaries or try to understand things not meant for me to understand
Never be sorry for questioning!
But I could only tell you what it means to me, but I would much rather let what it means to you, be what it means to you.
And you didn't cross any boundary. At all! <3