..."what is the best song"....."what's your favorite"
It's a nice game to play but impossible to answer, specially in this period of gestation.
It is a bit like asking a newborn mom: "hey whats the favorite part of your baby?"
So yes....that's a no.
But then this emerges...the song that keeps popping in my head on the rare occasion i'm not actually listening to the whole thing.
Because that is the keyword for this album to me..the whole.
The whole album is perfect...because the band is whole again.
And their wholeness is healing me.
A wave of healing and unlimited love is washing over the planet.
Maybe that's why The Heavy Wing ascended for me.
To me it is about getting whole.
The missing of, and the longing to be whole.
It feels like a conversation between John and Anthony over the past decade or so.
A celestial conversation, ethereal grabbing hold of the soul.
A conversation about deeply belonging.
A siren, reminiscent of The Empyrean*
And it all becomes that precious whole when their voices merge in an angelic way...
"tell the whole world to slow down"
A tear and a gasp ...
Impossible to do the song justice with words.
You'll simply have to listen.
* The Empyrean is a brilliant solo work by John Frusciante
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