A question asked by Robert on twitter ;
"What was the very first Red Hot Chili Peppers song that you can remember listening to?" , got me thinking.
Great memorylane-walkabout question...
After some careless deliberation I think it must have been "True Men Don't Kill Coyotes"
And it must have been in '86, because I went to buy the album the next day and found that they had also made Freaky Styley and I think I decided to buy that one instead. Shortly after that Mofo was out, I bought the cassette of that one.
Lost most of those cuz I moved in and out of relationships and caves (all had doors btw) on a regular basis.
Those days they represented fun to me...not taking life so seriously...exactly what drew me to punk.
Fuck the dismal drab and just GO for it!
I'm not even sure if they came to the Netherlands in those years. The bands I went to go see were at venues like Vera in my hometown Groningen ...bands like the Gunclub (two nights in a row), The Birthday Party (and later) Nick Cave with and without and Bad Seeds, Sonic Youth, Sisters of Mercy (I missed Joy Division, Nirvana and Fugazi...hinesight is always 20/20 right. As I missed Pearl Jam in 1992...because I lived in Greece at the time)
The band I feel in love with the was The Sound. I saw the many many mesmerizing times.
I was decidedly smitten by Graham Bailey, the bass player with his elasticity.
There is a hole in my soul from when I learned about the devastating demise of Adrian Borland.
Beautiful sensitive soul with so much music in him.
So..the Chili Peppers were not my main squeeze then, but they were steadily chiseling their way into my heart.
Right alongside The Sound, Echo & the Bunnymen and New Order (saw them both in Belgium...what a blast!)
The Chili Peppers kept making me smile...I smiled way too often to feel the 'no future' gloom that accompanied my peers.
I tried. Just aint me.
The energy, the jumping around, the sheer FUN of these Red Hot Chili Peppers was thoroughly infectious.
In 1989 they played in Amsterdam, Uitmarkt....
...and it was this song that blew me away...it was the first time I noticed how very much I loved Anthony's singing, how I could just sink into his voice...and consequently noticed him not as this jumpin' around freaky funk-rappin' frontman...but saw how beautiful and darn sexy he was! (and obviously still is...what a complex enigmatic man)
Such promise....and they sure - inexhaustibly - delivered BIGtime.
Ecstatic, thrilled, tickled red hot for this ride to never end.
Red Hot Chili Peppers, my life long posse.
In unlimited love
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