Allow (somehow)

Gepubliceerd op 21 juni 2024 om 18:01

(do a slap dance do a slap dance do a do a do a slap dance)


So life's got me all trifled up
- lemme fill and overflow your cup -
crammed head
and thus
 this damn 
frivolously figmented fuss 
better scram and shed that
crap I collect that
meticulously milled muss
drives my madhat
makes me cross
and gets me upset
I will it
to stop
just sit with it
feel everything I feel
bit by bit

(my oh my I just thought, there's a lot that have I fought)

resist the urge name it 
- cuz that'll make you claim it -
dysfunction junction
flummoxed stomach acid 
every fermented facet
from yer mad head 
down to yer
abated crap amasses
solar plexus placid
bit by bit
until you pass it




'chisel away chisel away chisel away now'

Art: artist unknown to me

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