Once again
I find
the outer world not speaking its mind
unrelenting mumbling of inner speak as hostile
as it ever was
hydromancy seepage ruining the canvas
fierce flaming fervour a faux pas
(ssshhhh...simmer down!)
Posh permeable truth of theatricality
is whispering fabricated falsehoods
- 'you got this, sure you got this!' -
a hiss
a fizz
followed by grim silence
seismic subsidence
shattering schism of reality
replacing the basicality
of trust
(at some point I had this, I'm sure I had this)
by me
''Alone in the constellation of alienation detached from empty conversation
I wait
I wait
for the wave to break''
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
(forgive me for playing with your art, Stratis Vogiatzis)
Reactie plaatsen
Ik moest met t woordenboek ernaast😉 maar mooi! Prachtige alliteraties..en ja ik herkende de stijl van stratis in je afbeelding.💜
Dankjewel <3
💔💔💔this is too much
Much yearning huh...
Thanks <3