In Like

Gepubliceerd op 29 november 2024 om 13:25


How often we leave stories untold
potential furled 'stead of unfold...
how often does a wandering soul
fluke onto your groove to unbare it all?

(should I just get up 'n leave?) 
I ask...naive 

Can we please allow ourselves to go there 
- give into the yearning to explore -
can we all please fall in like 
just a little bit more?







Should I stay, or should I go now?
If I go, there will be trouble
And if I stay, it will be double
So come on and let me know
Should I cool it, or should I blow?
-The Clash

Art: Stratis Vogiatzis
(tinkered with by me, hope you don't mind)

Reactie plaatsen


3 maanden geleden

Hahaha, yes! Cool en ook best lief open. Moo4i ritme!💜

3 maanden geleden

Aaah...dank! En lief is altijd leuker :)